A few weeks ago I was challenged by one of those life situations that just gets me in the gut. I was writhing in anger; not my prettiest moment. I don’t like feeling angry. It’s ugly, gets the best of me, and seems way too powerful. Rewind 8 months, a year. Gregger was my vent release. I’d shout, curse, blow off steam and he’d listen, sometimes patiently, sometimes not, but, bottom line, I knew he was there. Where do I go with this anger? I get angrier with myself just for being angry. It is truly a hideous emotion that sucks the energy out of me. I am a positive person. I don’t have time for such pointless emotions. Good riddance to this monstrous soul that is sucking the life out of me. So today I look to my Gregger for the angel who will bring me peace. I hear him whispering his beautiful Greggisms in my ear and offering me solace when I need it most.
Be grateful for the blessings in my life. (So many blessings, so much gratitude)
Say “I love you” a lot and mean it. (I do, I do)
Everyone deserves a second chance…learn to forgive and love again. (I hear ya!)
Be kind. It gets you everywhere. (This is a biggie and has really paid off in your absence!)
Don’t compare your life with others. Envy is a waste of time. (You pounded this into my brain…got it Gregger!)
Focus on the positive – make peace with your past so it won’t spoil your present. (I’m trying…really I am.)
Don’t take yourself too seriously. Smile and laugh more. (Again…I’m trying…really I am but I miss your laughter!)
Agree to disagree; you don’t always have to win. (Okay, I relent!)
No one is in charge of your happiness except you. (I take charge TODAY. Let me see what I can do about this!)
Each day do something good to or for others. (Even if it’s smiling at a stranger or letting someone cross the street, I think of you.)
Cherish every moment; you never know when it will be your last. (You taught me the importance of this…I cherish, I love, and I believe.)
Gregger you are with me every day giving me strength. So the Greggisms will continue to get going when the going gets tough. My rock, my salvation, my angel.
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