Year Two. Just as I hit the road running, I crashed. Head on. I didn’t see it coming. But it hit me like a ton of bricks. Smack in the face. Wham! Not even sure what provoked it. Out of left field. But the tears. Trickle, trickle, stre-a-m, DOWNPOUR! STOP! I’m not supposed to feel this way. This is year two! I’m past this! What the heck. But here we were. The fight was on.
I decided to give in. Let it go. Free myself of sadness. Despair. Longing. It was my only choice. I wouldn’t let it get the best of me.
- Slow down. Maybe I’m trying to move too fast. Don’t try to rush the process.
- Don’t overthink. Overthinking never ends well.
- Stop trying to be superwoman. I can’t be all, do all, for all. Draining. Emotionally. Physically. Mentally.
- Face the feelings. Don’t stuff. Eventually, it comes to the surface. Let the tears flow.
- Laugh. Have fun. It’s really okay.
- Realize it’s okay not to be okay. Sometimes I just have those days.
- Stop being so hard on myself. I am my biggest critic. Give myself credit for how far I’ve come.
- Make friends with time. It’s not always my friend. It softens the pain, but it also makes me realize what I’m missing. It goes too fast. I don’t want it to slip through my fingers. I want it to stop. Slow down. But it just keeps going. Without me.
- Make friends with me. I have to be my best friend. I’m the one who’s here.
- Get rid of the guilt. It’s just weighing me down. I can’t change the past. I can only begin again.
- Realize every day is a new beginning. It’s my choice how I use it!
Okay, year two…bring it on!
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