Happy 68th Birthday!

Gregger Pitti-Uomo-June-14-606Happy Birthday Greg! 68 Years! Another “should have been.” As I thought about what to write the words got “tangled.” What can I say that hasn’t been said? You aren’t here today, but that doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate your life and all of our wonderful memories! Today is yours! So why not celebrate everything EVERYONE loved about YOU! Kindness, generosity, compassion, loyalty, honesty, and love. The admirable traits that encompassed your being. The twinkle in your eye and your infectious smile welcomed anyone who crossed paths with you. Once a friend, always a friend. What a gift. Today I’d like others to share your gift. Commemorate your birthday with random acts of kindness! February 5th. Greg’s Random Act of Kindness Day! You hated gifts. This is one I think you’d love! One you wouldn’t/couldn’t return. LOL! So who’s on board? It’s simple! In a world that’s gone topsy turvy, do something good. Make someone smile. Nothing big. Even the smallest gesture can change someone’s day. Someone’s life. Sometimes we’re just too busy to think about it. Take one minute today. For Greg! He’ll be smiling down on all of us with that infectious grin! “How do we change the world? One random act of kindness at a time.”

  • Smile at a stranger.
  • Compliment someone.
  • Leave a positive review.
  • Hold back on that negative review. 
  • Take that 1 minute survey after a phone call. Annoying as hell, but it can make a world of  difference to the person on the other end. 
  • Let someone go ahead of you in line at the store. 
  • Send an email or call someone you haven’t spoken to in a while. Maybe something’s going  on in their life. Your words could brighten their day.
  • Compliment a store employee. A few nice words could make their day! 
  • Send an inspirational quote to a friend.
  • Hold the door for someone.
  • Take time to listen. To your kids. Parents. Friends. You never know what someone is going through.

These are just a few ideas. Anything you do. Anything from the heart. Anything with kindness. That is AMAZING! Cheers to 68! Happy Birthday Greg! This one’s for you! #bekind#68#loveyouandmissyou#nevergrowold


Mikki Eveloff

I am certainly no princess, but I did marry my Prince Charming. We had the once upon a time and the “almost” happily ever after until August 30th, 2014 when my Prince Gregger died tragically on the beach in Maui. I believe in fairytales. I believe in fate. I believe that “everything happens for a reason.” We planned a lifetime together…75 years to be exact. Someone or something changed our plans and gave us a new “ever after.” So here I am. I am still a wife, but now they call me a widow. I am a mom and grandma…three children, two in-laws, and two grandchildren. Life has changed and it’s time to move forward. It doesn’t stop, it keeps on going, so I do too. It’s my choice. Be happy, be grateful. It’s the only choice. I have a treasure trove of memories to share..it’s how I keep the happily ever after alive. A True Love Fairytale is 40 years of memories…it’s the essence of our happily ever after. It’s the imperfections of our perfect marriage. And it’s what makes today beautiful.

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